I have actually wanted a blog for awhile but this post right here is what has stopped me. The first blog post...How do you start a blog? What do I have to say that you will take time out of your day to read? Honestly not a whole lot. And to get it out of the way I can't spell, so I apologize in advance!
I may not have the perfect words but with each session there is a story that needs to be shared. As your photographer I get the rare privilege into your lives. I get to know your kids, I'm trusted with some of your biggest secrets and attend some of the most important life changing moments. I take pride in getting to know each of my clients on a more personal level. By the end of each session many of us become life long friends.
Since I get to know you guys how about you get to know me.
I grew up here in the valley but have never failed to notice the beauty that surrounds us each and every day. I met my husband when I was in middle school at church, we started dating in high school and were married right out of college. He has been my biggest supporter. Despite going to college for early childhood education I have never used my degree. I stepped away from a career in education to take care of my family. My husband has stood behind me as I made the leap from hobbyist to professional photographer.
Together we have an almost 3 year old son. He is a huge reason behind my push to improve my photography, while pregnant I realized he deserved to have tangible lasting memories when he's older. I vowed to make a weekly attempt to document him once a week for a year.
Though important many of us can't afford yearly photos of our little ones. For this reason I have always strived to provide affordable high quality sessions in hopes that everyone who wants photos can have them. This has always been my main goal in my business.